Postpartum Coaching

Remote coaching & training programs incorporating core rehab, pelvic floor considerations, and strategies to help reintegrate you with your community while progressing through those first few months of postpartum exercise at a speed appropriate for you.

Taking you from postpartum rehab all the way Back to the Box


  • This program is meant to be started after your doctor clears you to workout (typically 4-8 weeks postpartum). I also strongly encourage all athletes I work with to see a pelvic floor physical therapist postpartum. They can give such valuable insight & education that can greatly impact your postpartum recovery. Pelvic floor physical therapy can be done in conjunction with Back to the Box.

  • The first 4 weeks can easily be done at home if you aren’t quite ready to head back into the gym yet. The programming can be adapted to use dumbbells and/or kettlebells and resistance bands. As we progress, it’s recommended to have a barbell and rings, a pull-up bar if that aligns with your goals, and other equipment you enjoy using.

  • Postpartum is forever. After working together you most likely won’t be back to where you used to be. But it’s my hope that we will have built a solid foundation physically & mentally, and that you also have a strong understanding of how to continue to move forward so that you know how to listen to your body when it’s telling you to push on or hold back.

  • So you've been back to the gym and you just aren't making the progress you want, you're frustrated, or just confused. It's been a few months.

    ​This isn't uncommon. I've had athletes come to me 4 months, 6 months, and even 12+ months postpartum.

    Email me or set up a call. We will chat and figure out what the best program & coaching options for you are.

  • Yes! Brianna Battles has a fantastic 8 week postpartum program. I used it after my first baby. It is a great self-paced program filled with guidance and resources.

A postpartum program individualized to your needs and goals. Getting you through early rehab stages to confidently back in your gym.


If you love olympic lifting, we can work towards getting you back under the barbell. Is your goal to run? Let’s see what we need to do to get you back out on the road. Pull-ups are your favorite movement? What can we do to work towards those?

Working together we will move forward you when your ready. A lot of times athletes wonder “when can I do ____ again?”, with this, we’ll do progressions, test movements, and then adjust and adapt as needed.

Features of the Program



Training primarily focuses on rebuilding a foundation while also rehabbing your core and pelvic floor. Using functional exercises & incorporated breathing strategies we work on familiarizing & strengthening your postpartum body.


Continuing with rehab exercises and incorporating core and pelvic floor considerations, loads are increased in basic movements (squat, hinge, deadlifts), while progressions for dynamic movements are also incorporated into training.


Testing out higher level movements, increasing load and volume - and even starting to test intensity limits. We push the gray area here and there continuing to build strength, but also ramping up the conditioning.


Building on the foundation established, we work together to transition you from the postpartum programming to getting you back to your gym or the programming you enjoy. This is where it really gets fun. We can focus on your individual goals and develop a plan.


I’m in. Let’s put the work in!

  • Back to the Box

    This coaching starts with early postpartum rehab >>> back to the classes at your gym.

    First building a foundation in core strength and connection, building up with squats, deadlifts, and presses, and adding in more dynamic movements such as olympic lifts, running, jumping and gymnastics.

    Includes monthly video checkins, programming, movement review and feedback, and daily messaging as needed.

  • Back to the Basics

    8 Week program incorporating core rehab, pelvic floor considerations, and strategies to return to the gym. Focusing on overall core strength as well as lifts such as squats, deadlifts & presses.

    Includes initial phone consult, 8 weeks of programing with on-going coaching support and video review. Training is driven by your progress, symptoms, needs, and goals.

  • Return to Run

    Your main focus isn’t heading back to the gym - but rather to the pavement, trail, treadmill, or some combination?

    A progressive return which includes core and pelvic floor rehab, as well as hip, glute, and back strength is your path to success.

    A custom program for you based on your goals, incorporating strength and building up your return to run to get you back to the fitness you love.

  • Brianna Battles "8 Week Postpartum" Program

    Brianna Battles 8 Week Postpartum Athlete Training Program.

    (This is an affiliate link)

    Interested in a smart return to fitness - but without the accountability and interaction with a coach?

    This program is filled with resources and will get you off to a great start.