How can we work together?

Motherhood is an athletic event. Always carrying, chasing, playing, and recovering - from something. Our kids may take our hearts, but it’s still important to carve out some time in your day for you.

Let’s make it happen!

Postpartum Coaching

Individualized 1:1 remote coaching programs for pregnant and postpartum athletes. Helping you feel strong and stay active during pregnancy - and make a smart return to sport postpartum.

With regular video call check ins, daily messaging availability, custom programming, movement review, accountability and more.


Fitness Programs

Do you have an area you’re feeling a little stuck in?

You know what you need to do, but really just need a plan to stick with?

Accessory 6-12 week programs focusing on making progress in a specific skill or sport. ex: pull-ups, weightlifting, general core strength, pregnancy core and accessory work.



Nutrition coaching to help you find a balance of health, sustainability, and enjoyment while eating with your family.

I don’t take a one size fits all approach. We kick off with a video consult call and discuss your current nutrition habits, as well as health and nutrition goals. From there- we work together. Making small changes in habits and building strategies to make progress in your health - while still allowing you to enjoy meals with your friends and family.

Online Courses

Launching Fall 2022.

Teaching you the how, when and why to modify workouts throughout the different stages of pregnancy.

Covering topics like mindset and intensity, but also reviewing movements which show up on the whiteboard every day. We break them down and talk about considerations for pregnancy, when to adjust, why to adjust, and options for modifications - or just subbing out.

Not sure what you need?

Book a call!

If you’re torn between 1:1 coaching or a boxed up program perfect for you - let’s have a 15min chat and discuss your goals and which is a better fit.

Or - Do you already have a program you follow, or a gym you love going to?  Is group fitness your thing?  Maybe you’re a runner.  Whatever it is, do you just need a little help knowing when it’s ok to push harder and when you should back off a bit and maybe modify some movements?  Let’s start with an 45min minute consult to assess your lifestyle, fitness, goals, and any considerations that should be made.