Postpartum to PT Test

A 12 Month program taking you from postpartum rehab all the way through your PT Test.

Incorporating core and pelvic floor considerations, recovery, and building up the fitness you need while accomplishing your goals along the way.

What you’ll get

  • Months 1-2

    Postpartum Rehab

    Training primarily focuses on rebuilding a foundation while also rehabbing your core and pelvic floor. Using functional exercises & incorporated breathing strategies we work on familiarizing & strengthening your postpartum body.

  • Months 3-6

    Rebuild Strength & Dynamic Movement

    Continuing on the base built in the prior phase, we build up squats, deadlifts, and presses - as well as carries and unilateral movements. We start building up for impact to prepare for running, jumping, and other dynamic movements.

  • Months 7-9

    Build Overall Fitness

    Blending strength and conditioning to increase your overall fitness and have a well rounded base before PT test specific test. This is the fun phase - where we get to do the work and start testing our limits!

  • Months 10-12

    Pre-Test, Test Specific Prep, PT Test

    We approach this very individually. We will either test the PT test as whole, or test individual elements. We will discuss goals, and develop a plan for getting there. We re-test if needed, and go into your PT test with confidence and a plan.


  • Military, Law Enforcement, First Responder - and any other moms who serve in occupations with physical test requirements.

  • Yes! We will start with a video call to discuss your postpartum to present fitness activities and determine our starting time. We will accelerate what we can and ensure we have proper time to prepare you for the PT test.

  • Fantastic! We will blend those in to your training. The perks of having a coach and not simply a program is that we work together to make sure training suits all your goals and needs.

  • I’m just a message away! You will have access to me via the TrueCoach apps and receive regular check ins. You can also upload videos for movement reviews and questions.

    The app also includes video demo movements and coaching instruction.


Starting at $85/Month

Postpartum to PT Test is the training plan designed for you to go from postpartum rehab and recovery to preparing for the work you need to do for your career.

Includes: Training program, movement demo videos, coaching cues, movement review, quarterly video checkins, and messaging access to your Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism Coach.