Core & More

from $49.00

8 Weeks, 3 workouts/week, 10 min workouts.

This is for a postpartum athlete 4+ months postpartum. Who has built a foundation of movement and wants to continue moving forward building core strength in positions while bringing in progressions to improve or build their capacity in gymnastics movements.

Program is focused on building consistency and strength in movements commonly seen in the CrossFit gym. This is for postpartum athletes who have built a solid foundation (6+months postpartum typically) and are looking to build capacity in toes to bar, chest to bar, wall walks, and other body weight movements.

​The program is a mixture of accessory work & drills, with a heavy focus on core strength in gymnastics positions and bar movements.

​Includes breath work strategies, messaging support, movement video review, and scaling options.

​All provided via the TrueCoach app.

Movement Focus:
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8 Weeks, 3 workouts/week, 10 min workouts.

This is for a postpartum athlete 4+ months postpartum. Who has built a foundation of movement and wants to continue moving forward building core strength in positions while bringing in progressions to improve or build their capacity in gymnastics movements.

Program is focused on building consistency and strength in movements commonly seen in the CrossFit gym. This is for postpartum athletes who have built a solid foundation (6+months postpartum typically) and are looking to build capacity in toes to bar, chest to bar, wall walks, and other body weight movements.

​The program is a mixture of accessory work & drills, with a heavy focus on core strength in gymnastics positions and bar movements.

​Includes breath work strategies, messaging support, movement video review, and scaling options.

​All provided via the TrueCoach app.

8 Weeks, 3 workouts/week, 10 min workouts.

This is for a postpartum athlete 4+ months postpartum. Who has built a foundation of movement and wants to continue moving forward building core strength in positions while bringing in progressions to improve or build their capacity in gymnastics movements.

Program is focused on building consistency and strength in movements commonly seen in the CrossFit gym. This is for postpartum athletes who have built a solid foundation (6+months postpartum typically) and are looking to build capacity in toes to bar, chest to bar, wall walks, and other body weight movements.

​The program is a mixture of accessory work & drills, with a heavy focus on core strength in gymnastics positions and bar movements.

​Includes breath work strategies, messaging support, movement video review, and scaling options.

​All provided via the TrueCoach app.

Pregnancy: Core and More
from $15.00